AIMdefense DynDNS Guide

Step 1: First log in to the web interface, then navigate to “Network Services -> Dynamic DNS-> Settings” and “General Settings”. Set the backend to “ddclient” here.


Step 2: Make the following settings under “Accounts”:

  1. Enabled – check
  2. Service – Custom
  3. Protocol – DynDNS 2
  4. Server – dyn/ (depending on the host that was sent, DNS)
  5. Wildcard – deactivate
  6. Hostname – xxx.dyn/
  7. Check ip method – freedns
  8. Check ip timeout – 10
  9. Force SSL – check

Step 3: In the last step, go to “System – > Settings -> Administration” and make the following settings:

  1. Alternative hostnames – xxx.dyn/
  2. HTTP_REFERER enforcement – check